The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that croplands and grasslands could sequester up to an additional 8.6 Gt CO2-eq/year, or 20% of the total 2018 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from all sectors.
Our Mission
To support growers and global carbon markets with tools for high-accuracy, cost-effective soil carbon measurement.
Research has shown that agricultural producers can sequester carbon in soils through the adoption of regenerative agricultural practices: things like no-till, rotational grazing, and cover cropping, among others. By increasing organic matter, soils also better retain and deliver plant-available water and nutrients, reducing reliance on irrigation and fertilizer, while at the same time building soil structure and increasing yield. Agricultural soil carbon markets are one mechanism incentivizing a shift to regenerative practices. However, a crucial techno-economic barrier to robust market function still remains: there is currently no cost effective and scalable solution for measuring and verifying changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) with the accuracy and precision that is needed. Gold standard quantification methods that are accurate enough to detect small changes from year to year rely on labor intensive and expensive testing, the cost of which can ultimately negate the financial upside to growers. Furthermore, because sequestration rates vary based on geography, soil type, and farming practices, accurate and cost-effective soil measurement is needed to better understand what practices are most effective in local contexts. Haystack is committed to removing this barrier with a high-accuracy, yet cost-effective testing service, backed by rigorous science and innovative technology.
“We know more about the movement of celestial bodies than about the soil underfoot.”